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Canine Gait Analysis

Gait analysis will be performed using a gait analysis device, which measures weight distribution, step and stride length for each limb. The data will be reviewed by our physiotherapist, who will share the findings with you. This information, along with a physiotherapy assessment, will help identify lameness and track improvements over time.


During the gait analysis, a sensor will be strapped onto each of your dog's limbs. After that, your dog will walk around to get used to the straps. When your dog is ready, he/she will need to walk approximately 10 meters for the device to collect the required data. We usually take 3 to 5 readings to ensure accuracy of the measurements.


To ensure the most accurate readings from our gait analysis device, it's helpful if your dog is accustomed to wearing shoes or socks. The data collected will be combined with the results from our physiotherapist's clinical assessment to form a comprehensive physiotherapy diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your dog's needs.

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